Strategies to Reduce Tobacco-Related Health Harms in Japan


In Japan, tobacco has played a significant role in society and the economy since the Meiji era, initially utilized as a source of revenue for military expenses and as part of soldiers’ compensation during times of financial constraint. Tobacco taxation, accounting for about 10% of the nation’s revenue at the time, became a strategic approach to embed smoking into national life, leading to a smoking rate of over 80% among Japanese men after World War II. Despite a gradual decline in smoking rates, the tobacco tax remains a substantial source of revenue, constituting 61% of the sales price and exceeding 2 trillion yen annually. However, the adverse health effects linked to smoking, including increased risks of various cancers and cardiovascular diseases, have been well-documented, leading to significant economic costs estimated at 4.3 trillion yen annually.


Given the deep-rooted history of tobacco in Japanese society and the significant economic and public health impacts of smoking, a multifaceted approach is necessary to reduce health harms. While outright prohibition of tobacco manufacturing and sales might seem a straightforward solution, it faces potential resistance from the industry and concerns over illegal markets and societal unrest. Moreover, the perspective that smoking within designated areas remains a personal choice underscores the complexity of addressing this issue.


A practical and effective strategy might involve enhancing national education on the medical and economic consequences of smoking. Evidence suggests a correlation between lower income levels and higher smoking rates, indicating that education could play a crucial role in influencing smoking behavior. Implementing health education in schools, particularly during compulsory education phases, could raise awareness about the dangers of smoking. Additionally, increasing the tobacco tax further to raise the cost of cigarettes could effectively reduce consumption, as seen in countries like Australia, where high tobacco prices have contributed to a decrease in smoking rates.


In summary, addressing the health impacts of tobacco in Japan requires a combination of education, regulatory measures, and economic strategies. By increasing awareness of the harmful effects of smoking and making it financially less attractive, Japan can make significant strides in public health, even as it navigates the complex socio-economic challenges posed by its historical reliance on tobacco.



Multifaceted – 多面的な、複数の側面を持つ

Mitigate – 軽減する、和らげる

Adverse – 不利な、逆効果の

Economic constraints – 経済的制約

Strategic approach – 戦略的アプローチ

Embed – 組み込む、浸透させる

Documented – 文書化された、記録された

Significant – 重要な、意義深い

Outright – 完全な、徹底的な

Prohibition – 禁止

Resistance – 抵抗

Illegal markets – 違法市場

Societal unrest – 社会的不安

Designated areas – 指定されたエリア

Enhancing – 強化する

Correlation – 相関関係

Compulsory education – 義務教育

Awareness – 認識、意識

Financially less attractive – 経済的に魅力が少ない

Navigate – 航行する、進む(比喩的に問題や困難を乗り越える)

Socio-economic challenges – 社会経済的な課題


Tobacco – タバコ

Public Health – 公衆衛生

Smoking Cessation – 禁煙

Health Risks – 健康リスク

Taxation – 課税

Economic Impact – 経済的影響

Regulatory Measures – 規制措置

Awareness Campaigns – 認識向上キャンペーン

Prevention Strategies – 予防戦略

Addiction – 依存症

Policy Implementation – 政策実施

Health Education – 健康教育

Socio-economic Factors – 社会経済的要因

Legal Prohibition – 法的禁止

Environmental Health – 環境衛生


  1. Historical Role of Tobacco in Japan: “Since the Meiji era, tobacco has significantly impacted Japanese society and economy, serving initially as a revenue source for military expenses and becoming embedded in national life.”
  2. Economic and Health Impacts of Smoking: “Smoking’s adverse effects in Japan, including various cancers and cardiovascular diseases, lead to significant economic costs estimated at 4.3 trillion yen annually.”
  3. Challenges in Tobacco Regulation: “Efforts to prohibit tobacco manufacturing and sales face industry resistance and concerns over illegal markets, highlighting the complexity of addressing smoking issues.”
  4. Importance of Education in Reducing Smoking Rates: “Enhancing national education on the medical and economic consequences of smoking could play a crucial role in influencing smoking behavior, particularly among lower income levels.”
  5. Proposed Strategies for Tobacco Control: “Increasing tobacco tax further and implementing health education in schools are practical strategies that could reduce consumption and raise awareness about the dangers of smoking.”


喫煙と健康 喫煙の健康影響に関する検討会報告書 概要


平成 30 年 国民健康・栄養調査結果の概要